Manual xonix hrm1

Description > Manual xonix hrm1

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The outsied surface is excellent. Well packed, protective foils at the bottom and the front of the surface. Nice beep sound, nice buttuns You Manuual recognise whe the 1st time pushed! The outsied surface is excellent. Well packed, protective foils at the bottom and the front of hrm1 surface. Nice beep sound, nice buttuns You can recognise whe the 1st time pushed! I love it, very satisfied. Heart rate measurement is as I expected, depends on the contact between the watch and Xonix skin. If too dry can not work of course. I relaly recommend this product!!!! Note:Stock and Availability shown on this site is for your reference only. While we strive to provide the manual accurate and timely stock and availability information, availability information may become out of date and may change between the time you added an item to cart and the Maunal your order is received. Quantities on clearance items are limited.

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